During this pandemic, we all have more free time and are advised to check up on friends and loved ones. However, all over social media, I am seeing this tweet that is becoming quite popular and unquestionably disagree. And I think that testing people loyalties during a time where everyone is adapting to this new unfortunate way is living is ridiculous!
"During this pandemic, you really see who your real friends are. who's checking up on you? Making sure are okay? Remember that when all of this is over" -
Tia Mowry's (now deleted) Tweet
Like what!? So much ignorance here.
Okay, so my first issue with this Tweet routes from "You really see who your real friends are." Seriously!? I view this as such a shallow statement because honestly, why are you measuring the validity of friendship by how frequently they check up on you? If the love is real and the bond is authentic naturally you won't search for validation from people checking up on you and It should come naturally (as I do believe someone that cares about you will check up naturally).
Secondly, "Who's checking up on you? Making sure are okay?" How narcissistic can one be! One of the traits of a narcissist is a "grandiose sense of self-importance." And to me, this statement screams it! You need to remember that checking up on someone goes both ways and this effort should be reciprocated. Also, take into consideration that everyone has their own lives and the world doesn't revolve around you! Whether someone has 200 emails to reply to or is simply watching a movie their time is their time and you shouldn't be putting them in a position where they have to feel obligated to check up on you or you'll regard the friendship as fake.
Some people are just naturally more distant and don't feel the need to text or call as frequently and that's completely okay and should be normalised. Never forget, the unconditional love still remains despite the distance!
Thirdly, I just want to reiterate that I still definitely think it's a great idea to check up on loved ones. I just disagree with measuring someone loyalty by how often they check up on you! Especially since not everyone is in a position where they can reach out. Think about it, every day there are new reports of high death figures meaning a lot of people are grieving or just, in general, some could be struggling living at home and I don't think this statement takes these people into consideration and if any I feel like they could be at higher risk of being labelled a "fake friend".
Finally, I dislike the last part of the statement "Remember that when this is all over". I just think it gives off so many bad vibes and encourages friendships to fall apart for not valid enough reasons!
Especially as this statement is coming from someone with so much influence, I personally don't think it is the most intelligent message to spread. Don't get me wrong, I do agree with choosing the right people in your life and being close with people that help you grow
and not staying close to toxic people. Also, by all means, if someone is doing something deliberately intending to hurt you or you just get bad vibes from them then I have to think to cut them out of your life is an excellent idea. I frankly just don't think this reason is valid enough and can cause more unnecessary stress and conflict during these already troubled times.